3010, 2020
Ten Essential Stress Management Strategies for 2020 and Beyond
2020....what a year it's been. The depth and breadth of [...]
410, 2020
Five tips for coparents to manage child expenses after divorce
Here's what we know about money and relationships. Money is [...]
209, 2020
Ten Tips for Improved Coparent Emails
Coparents, before you hit "send," consider a careful review of [...]
2404, 2020
10 Tips for Self Quarantine Survival
As we round the corner to May, Spring is in [...]
2303, 2020
7 Strategies for Coping in the Time of COVID-19
We can't escape the daily, even minute by minute, updates [...]
103, 2020
Five Benefits of Couples Counseling: Don’t wait for it to get bad to make it good
Relationships are hard work. They can be exasperating and amazing, [...]
3001, 2020
Coparenting: What it is and why it’s important
"Coparenting" is the act of coordinated parenting by two or [...]
201, 2020
Talk to Someone: 5 Benefits of Psychotherapy
It's a New Year. Are you ready to make it [...]
112, 2019
What Learning Has This Year Offered?
Wow, it's December already. The holiday season is in full [...]
311, 2019
Five Ways Gratitude is Good for You
Here in America, November is a time of giving thanks [...]
610, 2019
When to introduce your new relationship to your children after divorce
This is a common question in my divorce consultation practice. [...]
2508, 2019
16 Co-Parenting Tips for Divorced and Two-Home Parents
Based on the research, perhaps the single best thing a [...]