If you don’t currently take very good care of yourself, how do you start?  Do you need to have better self esteem and value yourself more before you start?  Unfortunately, that’s what a lot of people believe about taking action on any number of things.  I need to feel like doing it, I need to feel good about myself, I need to get motivated before I start.  Not true! In fact, it’s often the other way around; you need to take action and get started first, then you might feel more motivated or feel good. It is often in the act of doing that we begin to feel differently. Besides, it’s easier to change an action than to change a feeling or sense of self.  Many of us can think of many things we do regularly that we don’t necessarily feel like doing. I understand that taking action can be hard, but it is often the first thing we can change.  Even a very small action that doesn’t take a lot of time can start you on a path of self-care and feeling better about yourself. So, how can you start?

Change your thinking. Come up with positive and encouraging statements that support taking care of yourself.  Write down a few of these statements and post them where you will see them; a mirror, the computer screen, the coffee maker, the dashboard of your car. When you see the note, say the phrase aloud!  “I matter”.  “I am worthy of good care”.  “I can’t care well for others if I don’t care for myself”.  “I must value myself”.  Say it even if you don’t fully believe it.  When you see the statement, decide right then what you will do today to take care of yourself. Over time, with repetition, you just might believe you are worth it!

Take action! Create a list of things you can do to replenish, nurture, soothe, relax, slow down, or make you smile.  Think of things that give you joy. peace, and/or pleasure.  Some of my personal favorites include:

  • a walk in nature
  • playing with a pet
  • favorite music (singing or dancing to it, even better!)
  • a little extra sleep
  • exercise
  • picking flowers to put in a vase and enjoy inside
  • a healthy, delicious meal

Now, it’s your turn to come up with your own list of favorites.  You can tell from my list that some require only a few minutes.  None of these require more than thirty minutes! Of course, you could spend more time, if you have it, but it’s not required.

Even if you don’t have much time (that perennial excuse), it’s hard to justify not having a few minutes in your day for you. Create a list with a variety of things on it, some that require very little of your time.  You know that phrase about life being short and smelling the roses?  Well, I smelled my roses today and it truly gave me pleasure and took only one minute, literally.  What small action could you take that would give you pleasure today?

Next, commit that you will do one small thing for yourself each day.  Consistently repeating an action creates a habit. Your repeated actions create a reality that reinforces the belief ” I can take good care of myself”. Those actions and beliefs together, over time, change your feelings.  You begin to feel more motivated to do these things for yourself.  You begin to feel better and more valuable because you are acting in ways that value yourself. Small, simple actions of self care, consistently applied, can add up to big changes in your self worth and well being.

Now if that doesn’t deserve a minute of your time today, I don’t know what does! You can take care of yourself.  It’s empowering. It feels good. It’s your right.  It’s your responsibility. Start today!