Divorce is one of the most stressful events and challenging times a person can experience. With these helpful and hopeful intentions, you have a guided and grounding path forward.
Divorce Meditations for Healing and Growth™
Feelings of hurt, anger, sadness can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel lost, stuck, confused.
And yet, at the same time that you are swirling in all of these emotions and upheavals, you are tasked to continue on at work and at home all while making big decisions that have implications for your life and your children’s lives for years to come.
Caught in this storm of stress and emotions, the primitive part of your brain can take over; hunkering down, avoiding, or lashing out. While this primitive response to a threat is natural, it’s not going to help you calm down, get centered, and create a plan to move forward.
You need to be able to shift from a threat response to a challenge response. You need to be able to rise to the challenge and function at your best when life has served up its worst.
How can as little as 10 minutes of meditation a day play a role in this transformation?
Consistent meditation, even for 10, 15, or 20 minutes a day can help you connect to a sense of calm and safety. It can help you shift your attention from the external world to your internal experience in the moment. In this way, you may feel more grounded and whole, rather than fragmented and confused.
As you connect to yourself, in a calm, accepting, and soothing way, you will feel more centered.
As you feel more centered, you can get in touch with your true self, your goodness, your wisdom, your deepest intentions, and values.
As you build this calm internal space to guard against the storm that is outside and around you, you can find your highest values and best self. This is the part of you that can guide your decisions and your path forward.
This is why I have created for you a meditation series specific to this challenging journey in your life. I want you to have a tool to help you access the part of yourself that can rise to the challenges of this difficult time. This tool can be helpful to you whether you have never meditated before or meditate regularly.
Thank you to Dr. Lisa Gabardi for helping make the traditions of meditation and saying affirmations accessible and applicable to couples in the midst of a divorce process. You provide simple and straightforward instruction that will surely calm, increase inner security and inspire many, and can be modified to fit a person’s unique situation. Going through a divorce will certainly be different for anyone who takes advantage of the tools you so thoughtfully present.Gail Jean Nicholson, MA, LPC
Personal & Career Counselor/Collaborative Divorce Coach
For $27 – you get a 40-minute audio mp3 plus three PDFs
- 40 minutes of audio, including a breathing exercise and 22 guided meditation intentions
- The full transcript of the meditation series
- The meditation intentions specifically focused on divorce challenges
- The breathing exercise
With as little as 10-15 minutes a day (or 10 minutes twice a day) you can create a meditation habit that has the potential to create changes in your brain, shifting from reactive to proactive in ways that:
- Restore calm
- Soothe emotions
- Reduce reactivity
- Promote self-compassion and understanding
- Identify core values
- Set Goals
- Promote peace
With this simple daily practice and these selected helpful and hopeful intentions, you have a guided and grounding path forward. Start seeing and experiencing benefits in your body right away!
Don’t let this very stressful time control you! Optimize your ability to control yourself and take charge of your life. This is your invitation out of confusion, conflict, and pain towards calm, clarity, and peace. To find your way through this challenging time and back to your core values and toward your best self.
‘I highly recommend Dr. Lisa Gabardi’s meditation to anyone going through a divorce or separation. It really works to calm your nervous system and help you become centered, empowered, and focused on healing. I will be recommending this innovative product to all of my clients and friends going through stressful family transitions.
Collaborative Attorney and Mediator