Mission for today:  All thoughts and deeds will be an expression of love. If we do this, the feeling will follow.

Valentine’s Day is an interesting holiday.  Love it? Hate it? Ignore it? I suppose I have been in phases of all of these over the course of my life.  They have been wonderful and they have been horrible.  Today I am reflecting on what made the horrible ones horrible and what has and can make the wonderful ones so lovely.  Simply put, whenever I have had a horrible Valentine’s Day, it has been when I have been focused on what I wanted to receive, or thought I was entitled to receive.  Sometimes it had to do with what I received in comparison to what someone else received and I came up short. Of course, there’s a lesson to be learned there.  When I have gotten caught up in the plans, gifts, words-in-a-card hype of greeting card manufactured holiday trappings, I have often felt badly on the receiving end of this holiday.

Now, I must confess.  I also had the most miraculous and amazing Valentine’s Day ever 17 years ago today.  My youngest son was born on Valentine’s Day.  The best Valentine’s gift I ever received, and ever will. So you can see why I have a certain fondness in my heart for this day.  That day, it took the whole love thing to a whole different level.  Today I am surprising him with a party with his friends.  He thinks they are all coming over just to hang out for Valentine’s Day, but we will also be celebrating his birthday.  So while I was shopping today for decorations, snacks, and drinks I was having fun thinking about silly little ways to show love.  It got me thinking about my best Valentine’s Days.

The best Valentine’s Days have been when I have focused on spreading love far and near.

What I have realized over the years, whether I have been in a relationship, happily single, post-divorce single, or unhappily single, is that I feel better and enjoy the holiday when I find ways to give love, not expect it back.  Of course, invariably, with my efforts, I get it back!  But regardless, the giving feels so good!  So much so, that I have come to really enjoy Valentine’s Day as a day to remember to lead with love and live with heart.

That can mean different things depending on the phase of life I am in and the circumstances at the time.  But generally speaking, let me share the key ways I think we can all be reminded to spread the love today.

Love Yourself

  • Do something nice for yourself today
  • Offer yourself compassionate understanding, patience, forgiveness
  • Take care of yourself (body, mind, and spirit)
  • Celebrate your best qualities and accept and be gentle with your imperfections

Love Others

  • Do something nice for someone
  • Generally be kind to anyone crossing your path
  • Tell those that you love what they mean to you
  • Celebrate your relationships and what is best about them
  • Offer compassionate understanding, patience, apologies, and forgiveness to others

Love Life

  • Look for something beautiful in the world
  • Be grateful– count your blessings
  • Do something that leaves the world better than you found it
  • Open your heart to something or someone (that perhaps you have been closed to)

Getting any ideas about how you will breathe love, act love, think love, and feel love today?

Here are a few things I did:

I told my husband how glad I am he’s my husand (and gave him chocolates).

I wished my son happy birthday and told him how much I love him.

I contacted my other adult kids to wish them Happy Valentine’s Day and send my love.

I told a few friends how much they mean to me and that I love them.

I went to the store to get a bunch of silly balloons for the kids to have fun with tonight at their party.

I smiled at people at the store and wished the cashier a Happy Valentine’s Day!

I made a pledge to not get easily annoyed or complain.

I gave our cats special treats.

I let my husband know how much I appreciate all of the time he was spending to fix our computer problems.

I am going for a walk and plan to marvel at the beautiful day!

I wrote this post.

Any day is a great day to realize how much potential you have to offer love!  I can’t think of a better day to try. What will you offer to yourself and the world today?